Three Passions for our Tortured Planet
“Field’s voice is unique, and he is expert in keyboard sonority and texture…a work of energy, power and haunting beauty” —Ken Meltzer, Fanfare
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Brian Field - Vocal Works
On his album VOCAL WORKS, the human voice takes center stage, and Field doesn’t shy away from his brand of compositional diversity.
“…gorgeous writing…” — Cinemusical
“These tracks are a breathtaking, mercurial, and spontaneous example of the artistry and genius that drives this album." —The Bandcamp Diaries
“…Field’s music has a winning melodic flow and harmonic translucency…” —Guy Rickards, Gramophone
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String Play
“Field’s Quartet #1 has a true gem of a second movement: here we get that delicious sense of longing, of needing, as the strings climb higher and higher on their fingerboards: almost like they’re attempting to touch heaven.”
— American Music Guide
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Early Works
From the 1980s and 1990s, this compilation traces the evolution of Field's compositions in song, chamber and choral formats, ranging from the memorable and richly melodic settings of Byron and Petrarch to the free polytonality in settings of Walt Whitman and Pablo Neruda and atonal flirtations in settings of E.E. Cummings.
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Funk & Fire
Across fourteen tracks, Field's album "FUNK + FIRE" is a collection of jazz-infused works such as the big band track, "Funk-E," the string quartet "4x4x4" and the "Let's Dance & Get Gigue-y." Fire and incendiary themes continue with the piano solo "FIRE" and the destructive musical story of "Ishtar & Gilgamesh."
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Brian Field, Symphonic Works
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Brian Field - Choral & Orchestral Works
Twelve works that explore mysticism and life’s memories and includes instrumental and choral works for large orchestra and chamber ensembles.
“…marked by respect and affection…perfectly balanced.” — Brian Morton, Choir & Organ
Brian Field - Choral & Orchestral Works
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Arctic Variations
“This is a phenomenal piece, its strength derived from Field’s astonishing clarity of vision, both formal and orchestrational. The more music I hear by Field, the more my respect grows.” —Colin Clarke, Fanfare
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Three Generations
“Accompanied by a piano-led orchestra, [Three Generations is] a heartfelt ode to a fallen family member at the holidays. The song tells the story of three generations of Marines who get together for Christmas. However, the youngest member of the trio is missing, killed in battle during the war in Iraq.” - Bob Smith, The Static Dive
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From the simple xylophone opening at its beginning to the roaring, celebratory conclusion, Kaleidoscope offers exciting musical transformations in this recording under the direction of Mihail Agafita and the Symphonic Orchestra of Moldova.
“a cinematic score that packs a broad range of power and emotion” — Bob Smith, The Static Dive
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In this fusion of old and new, Senex puerum portabat—for a cappella SATB choir—pays homage to a cappella practices and text from centuries ago, combining these with more modern harmony, yet staying true to St. Benedict’s rule, to "listen ... with the ear of your heart."
“Contemporary interest in the Divine Feminine seems reflected in Brian Field’s Senex puerum portabat, a setting of an antiphon to the Magnificat at First Vespers for the Purification of the Blessed Virgin Mary. It is also a tale of a mother’s love, and that aspect is enshrined in Field’s interior harmonies, with their delicious dissonances.”
— Colin Clarke, Fanfare Magazine
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From the Clash of Race & Creed
Field’s work juxtaposes the sometimes troubling, and often complex, dissonant aspects of today’s reality filled with conflict, worry and hatred with the hopeful and ideal world of salvation, freedom and universal brotherhood.
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Listen on: Spotify, Amazon Music, Apple music
Appears On
“…thoroughly pianistic, with sensitive applications of colour and striking contrasts of dynamics.” —Stephen Cera, Gramophone
“…each brief episode contains a powerful punch.” —Huntley Dent, Fanfare
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“…les Glaciers de Brian Field échafaudent eux aussi une architecture épurée, des cathédrales transparentes qui jaillissent puis s’effondrent dans des accords conçues comme autant de déflagrations régénératrices”
—Lucas Irom, ClassiqueNews
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Tableaux Tartroniques
The sound resulting by the various combination of colours, registers and timbres, the level of innovation and quality of writing and performance make this album highly enjoyable and the ideal companion for the professional and the curious listener alike.
Tableaux Tartroniques -- Tom Labadorf, clarinet; Steve Wade, English horn; Noreen Towne, bassoon
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String Quartet #1
...listening to [Brian Field’s] First Quartet makes me want to hear more. Its four very rhythmic movements are models of concision, real dialogues between the four musicians…
—Guy Rickards, Gramaphone
String Quartet #1 -- Fung Chern Hwei, violin I; Gregor Huebner, violin II; Ron Lawrence, viola; Jeremy Harman, ‘cello
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“…Brian T. Field’s work for soprano and orchestra gives us the opportunity to reflect upon war through the experiences of a farm family faced with the devastation of the Civil War. As such it opens with trumpet calls and a more dissonant blend of harmonies in a burst that gives way to first spoken text. A reference to a Bach chorale also adds to the flavor of this piece with more Americana orchestrally writing that emerges to set the tone. The work reaches for a more universal metaphor that causes pause for reflection…stunning in its beauty.”
—Steven A. Kennedy, Cinemusical
A Letter from Camp — soprano, Lucie Silkenová, and the Moravian Philharmonic Orchestra, Pavel Šnajdrem conductor
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From the clash of race and creed
Brian Field's work juxtaposes the sometimes troubling, and often complex, dissonant aspects of today’s reality filled with conflict, worry and hatred with the hopeful and ideal world of salvation, freedom and universal brotherhood.
From the Clash of Race and Creed — Brno Philharmonic Orchestra, Mikel Toms, conducting
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La coquette heureuse
La coquette heureuse — Iwona Glinka, flute
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Trio — Sunghae Anna Lim, Joshua Gordon, Margaret Kampmeier
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Two, Four by Four
Two, Four by Four — Iwona Glinka, flute; Athanasios Zervas, alto saxophone.
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Pas de Deux
Pas de deux — Iwona Glinka, flute; Yannis Samprovalakis, bass clarinet.
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Four by Four
Four by Four — Pawel Kotla, conductor; Kalisz Philharmonic Orchestra.
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Arctic Variations
Arctic Variations — Mihail Agafita, conductor; National Philharmonic „Serghei Lunchevici” of the Republic of Moldova.
Listen on: Spotify, Amazon Music, Apple music
Glaciers - from “Three Passions for our Tortured Planet” — Katya Kramer-Lapin, piano.
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